Did you know 3SquaresVT also helps with fuel assistance?

Have you heard about 3SquaresVT? 3SquaresVT is Vermont’s name for the federal program SNAP, a food benefit program. 3SquaresVT can help you stretch your budget so you can put three healthy meals on your table every day.

Now is the time to start thinking about Fuel Assistance. Do you already receive 3SquaresVT? Are you also getting Fuel Assistance?

Did you know? You may be eligible to receive Fuel Assistance if you…

  • Own your home or rent
  • Pay for heat directly or as part of rent
  • Rent a room in someone's home
  • Live in public, subsidized, or Section 8 housing AND rent includes heat

Not enrolled in 3SquarestVT?

Call the HelpLine at 1-800-642-5119 and refer to this notice. We are happy to provide you with information or application assistance! You may be eligible, and not even know it.