SVCOA announces 2020 service results

Key outcomes include over 191,000 meals served and nearly 9,000 case management and option counseling hours provided to older Vermonters

RUTLAND, Vt. – Southwestern Vermont Council on Aging (SVCOA) today announced its 2020 service results in conjunction with the release of its 2020 annual report.

“SVCOA is pleased to share its 2020 service results, outcomes that we are especially proud of given the challenges faced by all throughout the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Chris Adams, Development and Communications Director with SVCOA. “These results are a true testament to the efforts of our dedicated staff, volunteers, contractors and community partners, as well as the understanding and patience of those we serve. 2020 at SVCOA saw significant shifts in agency operations to ensure the health and safety of all staff and clients, as well as increased demand on various services. We are incredibly thankful to all who have supported SVCOA during this challenging time, and are grateful for the opportunity to continue to serve older Vermonters in our region.”

Among the results are:

  • 8,989.75 case management and options counseling hours provided to 1,024 older Vermonter
  • 5,195 calls processed by the SVCOA HelpLine
  • 191,073 meals served to 3,311 older Vermonters
  • 15,556 hours of companionship provided to 70 older Vermonters by SVCOA’s Senior Companion Progra
  • 2,310 hours of service and support from 114 SVCOA volunteers benefiting 273 clients
  • 1,306 individuals assisted by SVCOA’s State Health Insurance Program (SHIP
  • 27,984 volunteer hours benefiting older Vermonters through the GMRSVP program (Bennington, Windsor and Windham Counties)
  • 329 hours of private mental health counseling provided to 51 individuals by SVCOA’s Elder Care Clinician Progra
  • 154 clients served by SVCOA’s Money Management Program
  • 12,309 rides for older Vermonters supported or coordinated by SVCOA
  • 81 “Tai Chi for Falls Prevention” participants
  • 39 grants awarded supporting caregivers across Bennington and Rutland counties, and 216 caregivers supported by various SVCOA caregiver programs

Additionally, SVCOA staff and leadership contributed to a range of working groups, advisory committees, and legislative advocacy efforts during 2020, all aimed at supporting the needs of older Vermonters and caregivers throughout the state.

For a summary of all SVCOA service results from 2020, view the “2020 Annual Report” at

Note: These results reflect services provided by SVCOA from October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020.

Media Contact: Chris Adams, 802-236-1560