SVCOA announces 2021 service results

For Immediate Release: January 3, 2022

Media Contact: Chris Adams, 802-236-1560

SVCOA announces 2021 service results

Key outcomes include over 186,000 meals served and more than 9,000 case management and option counseling hours provided to older Vermonters

RUTLAND, Vt. – Southwestern Vermont Council on Aging (SVCOA) today announced its 2021 service results in conjunction with the release of its 2021 annual report.

“SVCOA is pleased to share its 2021 service results, outcomes that were made possible by the efforts of our dedicated staff, volunteers, community partners and supporters,” said Pam Zagorski, Executive Director with SVCOA. “Like so many other organizations, SVCOA continued to be challenged throughout 2021 by the COVID-19 pandemic, and was forced to continually adjust agency operations and service delivery to ensure the health and safety of all staff and clients, as well as meet an increase in demand on various services. We are so grateful for all who continue to support SVCOA, and thankful for the opportunity to continue to serve older Vermonters in our region moving forward.”

Among the results are:

  • 9,611.5 case management and options counseling hours provided to 1,100 older Vermonters
  • 5,695 calls processed by the SVCOA HelpLine
  • 186,758 meals served to 1,964 older Vermonters
  • Over 1,900 hours of service and support from 106 SVCOA volunteers benefiting 151 clients
  • 1,328 individuals assisted by SVCOA’s State Health Insurance Program (SHIP)
  • 25,055 volunteer hours benefiting older Vermonters through the GMRSVP program (Bennington, Windsor and Windham Counties)
  • 672 hours of private mental health counseling provided to 52 individuals by SVCOA’s Elder Care Clinician Program
  • 162 clients served by SVCOA’s Money Management Program
  • 10,551 rides for older Vermonters supported or coordinated by SVCOA
  • 81 SVCOA wellness program participants
  • 405 caregivers supported by various SVCOA caregiver grants, education and training programs, and assistive services

Additionally, SVCOA staff and leadership contributed to a range of working groups, advisory committees, and legislative advocacy efforts during 2021, all aimed at supporting the needs of older Vermonters and caregivers throughout the state.

For a summary of all SVCOA service results from 2021, view the “2021 Annual Report” at

Note: These results reflect services provided by SVCOA from October 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021.


Southwestern Vermont Council on Aging exists to be a community force in creating and sustaining opportunities for elders and caregivers in our region to help assure that elders are able to maintain maximum independence and quality of life.

For more information about SVCOA, visit
