SVCOA offers free virtual Powerful Tools for Caregivers course

SVCOA offers free virtual Powerful Tools for Caregivers course

BENNINGTON, Vt. – Southwestern Vermont Council on Aging will be hosting its popular “Powerful Tools for Caregivers” course virtually this summer with a six-week class kicking off on July 23.

The course, which is free and offered to caregivers who are caring for family members, friends and neighbors, among others, is designed to give participants the tools to be a highly effective caregiver while also ensuring that they are taking care of themselves as well.

The class is not intended for career caregivers who are employed by a health care, home care or hospice service.

“The Powerful Tools for Caregivers course covers a range of caregiving topics, such as using community supports and services one might not know about, implementing self-care techniques, boosting your confidence in coping with the demands of caregiving, and managing the various emotions that can result from caregiving experiences,” said Aaron Brush, caregiver, volunteer and senior companion coordinator with SVCOA.

The course will be held virtually on Fridays from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. each week and will run through August 27.

Pre-registration is required and the deadline for registration is Friday, July 16. For more information or to register, contact Aaron Brush at 802-772-7835 or


Southwestern Vermont Council on Aging exists to be a community force in creating and sustaining opportunities for elders and caregivers in our region to help assure that elders are able to maintain maximum independence and quality of life.

For more information about SVCOA, visit
