SVCOA seeks applicants for National Family Caregiver Support grant funds

For Immediate Release: September 13, 2022

Media Contact: Aaron Brush, 802-772-7835

Southwestern Vermont Council on Aging seeks applicants for National Family Caregiver Support grant funds

RUTLAND, Vt. – Southwestern Vermont Council on Aging (SVCOA) today announced that it is seeking applicants for National Family Caregiver Support (NFCSP) grant funds available to local agencies providing supportive programs and services for caregivers, as well as individual caregivers age 55 and up who are caring full-time for children under the age of 18.

The National Family Caregiver Support Program provides caregiver support and services for unpaid caregivers including information and assistance, respite, counseling, support groups, trainings and other evidence-based educational programs. These supports and services provided by NFCSP funding effectively reduce the physical and emotional stress experienced by family caregivers in order to allow them to provide a higher quality of care so that their loved one(s) are able to remain living independently in the community.

The grant timeline is October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023, and eligible applicants include any public or private non-profit organization, group or coalition providing programming in support of caregivers caring for older adults and younger disabled adults living in Rutland and Bennington counties, as well as older caregivers (age 55-plus) providing full-time care for children under the age of 18.

Due to the amount of available funding, a limited number of grants will be awarded. All grant proposals will be reviewed by SVCOA’s Caregiver Coordinator and approved by SVCOA’s Senior Management Team using the following evaluation criteria: project description / responsiveness to RFP; administrative capability; practicality of budget; probability of project success; consistency with area agency on aging overall objectives; consistency with Older American’s Act objectives.

Additionally, please take note that SVCOA places priority on programs which are evidence-based.

All grant proposals should submitted by September 30, 2022.

To learn more or submit a grant proposal, contact Aaron Brush, SVCOA Caregiver Coordinator, via email at or by phone at 802-772-7835.


Southwestern Vermont Council on Aging’s mission is to empower Vermonters to age with dignity, independence and quality of life. With offices in Rutland and Bennington, SVCOA offers a wide range of supports, services and programs for older Vermonters, caregivers and volunteers across Rutland and Bennington counties.

For more information about SVCOA, visit
