Zagorski: SVCOA thanks volunteers

SVCOA thanks volunteers
April 11, 2022
By Pam Zagorski, Executive Director

In celebration of April as National Volunteer Month, Southwestern Vermont Council on Aging (SVCOA) would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank the dozens of compassionate, hardworking and committed volunteers who assist the agency and its clients each and every year.

SVCOA’s volunteer team, which includes members of all ages from across both Bennington and Rutland counties, is essential to ensuring that key services are delivered, day in and day out, to thousands of older Vermonters across our service area.

From supporting older Vermonters through basic social interaction and companionship, to helping with SVCOA’s Meals on Wheels and grocery shopping programs, home maintenance or modification projects, transportation assistance and money management service, among other supports, as well as serving on our Board of Directors and Advisory Council, SVCOA’s volunteer team truly does it all and we are so grateful for their contributions to the agency and the communities it serves.

Additionally, SVCOA’s volunteer team has stepped to the plate and delivered throughout the entirety of the COVID-19 pandemic, providing critical support and assistance, both internally and externally, during one of the most challenging times in the organization’s history.

We extend our sincerest thanks and appreciation to all of the generous volunteers who help make SVCOA’s work possible, and hope that the community will join us in celebrating their efforts.

Lastly, as demand on the agency’s services continues to grow, SVCOA is always looking for new volunteers. If you or someone you know might be interested in helping out and positively impacting the lives of older Vermonters in our area, give us a call at 802-786-5990 – we’d love to chat with you!

Pam Zagorski
Executive Director, Southwestern Vermont Council on Aging