SVCOA HelpLine 1-800-642-5119


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SVCOA congratulates our valued colleague Kathy Paquet, outgoing Nutrition Director with Central Vermont Council on Aging, on her retirement after 31 years of service to older Vermonters across the state. Thanks Kathy for your tremendous service and partnership!

Interested in making a difference in your community? Learn more here about our impactful Senior Companion Program and find out if you are eligible to participate!

Vermont's demographics are changing. What will it take to ensure all Vermonters have the opportunity for financial security, health and wellness, social connection, affordable housing, transportation and more? Learn more here about how you can provide your feedback through the VAPAW Community Survey!

The Vermont Association of Area Agencies on Aging (V4A), serving the more than 132,000 older adults aged 60+ in Vermont, and GetSetUp, the largest and fastest-growing virtual social learning platform designed specifically for older adults, have partnered to help bridge the digital divide and combat social isolation for residents of Vermont.

SVCOA is currently recruiting additional members to serve on its Board of Director team. Click here to learn more about this leadership opportunity with SVCOA, as well as other avenues for serving the agency and its clients.

Learn more about 3SquaresVT through this quick, comprehensive educational video! Have questions? Contact our HelpLine today at 1-800-642-5119!

SVCOA is offering another free session of the popular virtual "Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less" class beginning on February 7. Registration deadline is February 1 - sign up today!

Watch this short video to learn more about how 3SquaresVT can help you and your family put more food on the table.

What is 3SquaresVT? SNAP is known in Vermont as 3SquaresVT. It is a nutrition program that gives people money each month to buy food at grocery and convenience stores, co-ops, and farmers markets.

Did you know that as an older Vermonter, you don’t need a car to get a COVID-19 vaccination? That’s right, transportation can be arranged, or, if you qualify, you can get vaccinated at home.