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Board of Directors

Southwestern Vermont Council on Aging, Inc. is a private, non-profit, tax-exempt organization governed by a Board of Directors with representatives from both Bennington and Rutland counties. Election of directors occurs each year at SVCOA’s annual meeting and a majority of board members must be over 60 years of age.

Board of Directors

President – Howard Cohen

Vice President – Ron Hachey

Secretary – Michele Pagen

Treasurer – Ron Bower

Director - Kay Jones

Director -  Tom Adams

Director - Peter Lawrence

Director – Alison Hill

Director - Lin Lavallee

Director - Myra Zimmerman

Director - Doug Ball

Board Member Emeritus - George Davis

SVCOA is always interested in hearing from individuals who may have a desire to serve the agency through roles within its Board of Director or Advisory Council groups. To learn more about these opportunities, please contact SVCOA Interim Executive Director, Rosemary Greene, at 

To apply to serve on the SVCOA Board of Directors, please complete the application linked below and submit to 

SVCOA Board of Directors Candidate Application